Highland Park • Pittsburgh, PA 15206 • 1-412-661-1498 macondo@telerama.com SINCE 1974 |
St. Brice was born in Petionville, Haiti in the 1890's and was raised by a prominent Episcopalian, Maitre Turnbull, but eventually became a voodoo priest. He did not begin to paint until he was over 50 years old when an American painter, Alex Johnes, or John, introduced him to the work of the French Impressionists. St. Brice joined the Centre d'Art in 1949. He was illiterate for his entire life and the dealer Issa el Saieh talks of spending hours teaching St. Brice how to sign his name on his paintings. Jean-Marie Drot, the Haitian art historian, places St. Brice just after the legendary Hyppolite in order of importance in the pantheon of Haitian artists who received their inspiration directly from the vodou spirits. St. Brice got his while dreaming. He was an original. Drot decribes him as a stylish man who wore red scarves, a favored accessory of the houngan, had a beautiful smile and voice and was friendly and sociable. His work is prized. St. He died in 1973. (LPH) |
#021 Robert St. Brice 20x28" oil on canvas $3000 thin Haitian frame. Sold 1999 |