Highland Park • Pittsburgh, PA 15206 • 1-412-661-1498

A gallery of Haitian Art
SINCE 1974

The Next Generation

This Is Edouard Rouanez , Room 83

Edouard Rouanez was born in Port-au-Prince, Feb. 24 1966.
He is married, has 6 kids, and is a Pentacostal Christian. He has worked as a teacher of French
since 1995. He started painting at age 16, tutored by his father, the masterpainter Dieudonne Rouanez..
and has been painting ever since. He has two brothers who are also painters.

#3046 Edward Rouanez
"Sitdown Wedding"
Bride with Child
16x20" Oil on canvas
2013 $ $325
framed in painted wood
Detail below


#er3005 Edouard Rouanez
20x16 " Acrylic on Canvas
"After the Wedding"
2012 $325 framed
Paintings by Hughes Rouanez